Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan 12th event at Raw Space: it's a POTLUCK!

Just figured out some of the details with Dean today, and here's how our little party will go down:

Tuesday, January 12th
6:00 - 8:00pm
at Raw Space, 119 Fourth Ave

-we'll each buy our own drinks from Bertine's next door. If you haven't been there yet, they have amazing coffee, teas, beer and wine.

-It will be a potluck! So, if you can, please bring a dish to share (and don't forget the serving utensils)

If your last name begins with: Please bring:
A - H...........................................................Main Dish
I - P.............................................................Salad or Side
Q - T............................................................Bread&Cheese or Chip&Dip
U - Z.............................................................Dessert

Please invite anyone you know who might be interested in learning about the co-op project - we always want to make new friends, and Raw Space has plenty of room. :)

See you soon~

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